Bishop Kindergarten is committed to providing and maintaining a safe and healthy environment for staff, children, families and visitors to the centre. All members of the kindergarten community need to be protected from skin damage by harmful ultra violet rays of the sun. For details please refer to our Sun Protection Policy
Children will
- Be required to wear a hat that provides good shade to the face, back of the neck, eyes and ears; e.g. a broad brimmed or soft legionnaire style.
- The wearing of hats is compulsory during Terms 1 and 4.
Families will
- Be asked to give written permission for staff to supervise their child applying sunscreen after lunch during term 1 and 4.
- During terms 1 and 4, it is recommended that children have sunscreen applied at home before they arrive for their kindergarten session.
Staff will
- Be positive role models who practice skin protective behaviours by applying sunscreen and wearing appropriate hats and clothing.
- Incorporate sun and skin protection awareness activities into learning programmes
- Provide a SPF 30+ Broad Spectrum Sunscreen for your child to apply with staff supervision.
- If the type supplied is not suitable for your child please inform a staff member and provide a labelled tube of your own selection which staff can supervise your child applying.
Bishop Kindergarten will always be open during normal kindergarten times regardless of the weather and outside temperature UNLESS directed by the Department for Education.
Bishop Kindergarten is not rated as a High Risk bushfire preschool. If a Catastrophic Bushfire danger day is announced, Bishop Kindergarten may not have the staff for sufficient supervision. Official communication to families will be sent to day prior.
Here is our Emergency Management Plan for your reference
Clothing worn by your child must be comfortable, suitable for active and some times messy play and easily washed by you. It should provide protection from the elements, especially in Terms 1 and 4. Choose clothing that is going to protect your child from UV rays- we recommend that children do not wear singlet tops. Please also send a spare change of clothing as occasional accidents do happen.
All clothing should be clearly named.
Footwear should be sturdy, comfortable and protect the child’s toes and feet. In summer sandals may be worn, but for safety must have a heel strap. When choosing shoes for kindergarten, ensure that they are suitable for climbing, running, jumping etc., and can be easily put on by your child with minimal assistance.
Should your child need to use their spare clothing, their wet/soiled clothes will be bagged and placed outside by the back door. Parents/carers will be notified by a ‘Changed Clothes’ tag on your child’s not pocket.
Please sign the ‘Changed Clothes’ folder and collect your child’s clothes.
Bishop Kindergarten is committed to promoting healthy eating habits in line with the Right Bite Food and Drink Supply Strategy for South Australian Schools and Preschools, and relates to the Department for Education and Child Development wellbeing strategy. Please refer to our Healthy Food Supply and Nutrition Policy
Children will
- Have fresh, clean tap water available at all times and are encouraged to drink water regularly through the day.
- Will eat routinely at scheduled break times.
- Eat in a positive, social environment with staff who model healthy eating behaviours.
- Use the preschool garden to learn about and experience growing, harvesting and preparing nutritious foods.
Parents and carers will
- Be encouraged to provide healthy food and drink choices for children in line with the Right Bite strategy.
Staff will
- Promote and teach food safety to children as part of the curriculum.
- Promote and encourage correct hand washing procedures with children.
- If a child has a serious food allergy e.g nuts, a separate policy for the duration of that child’s involvement at Bishop Kindergarten will be developed and communicated to parents and staff.
- Staff are unable to HEAT any foods. This is for your child’s safety as we need to ensure the staff/child ratio is maintained at all times, and foods cannot be heated correctly to meet food safety standards.
At Bishop Kindergarten we follow certain procedures to ensure the safety of children and staff.
Therefore we will:
- Use latex rubber gloves when assisting a child who is bleeding and while cleaning up any blood or body fluids
- Consistently and continually encourage children to maintain healthy habits such as hand washing after toileting and before eating and covering mouth when coughing or sneezing
- Incorporating this practice in children’s play with the wearing of latex rubber gloves whilst playing hospitals, nurses, doctors, vets etc
- Discuss with children about the importance of blood, how it is made by our own bodies for us and emphasise that we do not touch other people’s blood
- Discuss with children other “things we do not touch” e.g. vomit, faeces and syringes.
If you would like any further information or help please do not hesitate to speak to a staff member. Confidentiality is assured at all times.
Staff are trained in “Basic Emergency Life Support First Aid”
Our procedures when giving first aid to children are:
Step 1: Offer reassurance and assess situation
Step 2: Apply treatment needed to suit injury
Step 3: Record injury and treatment in First Aid Folder
Step 4: Monitor the child if necessary
First Aid Treatment:
- Band-aids on any blood, splinters, cuts, grazes etc. (we are not allowed to remove imbedded splinters as this is considered intrusive)
- Icepack covered with clean Chux on bumps and bruises.
- Dirty wounds are washed with running water (we do not use any antiseptic lotions due to allergic reactions for some children)
- In conjunction with our “Safe Health Policy” we use latex rubber gloves when assisting a child who is bleeding or has other body fluids needing attention
Recording of Injuries and Treatment
- All First Aid given is recorded in the “First Aid Record Folder” situated on the parent bench
- Records note where the accident occurred, the injury sustained, treatment given and by whom
- Parents will be notified by a First Aid Badge on their child’s note pocket
If notified PLEASE
1. Return badge to folder
2. Sign record sheet in folder to acknowledge treatment
3. If you need more information, please speak to the staff member who treated your child
Serious Injuries Requiring Emergency Treatment
- Staff will make every effort to contact you or your child’s emergency contact person as soon as possible. Please make sure that these contact numbers are up to date. This is your responsibility.
- If a parent/carer can not be contacted staff will call an ambulance and arrange transport to the nearest hospital casualty. A staff member will remain with the sick or injured child until the child’s parent/carer arrives.
Please do not send birthday treats or cakes.
Following discussion at a Governing Council committee meeting it was decided to establish a procedure that is inclusive of our Kindergarten community.
While at preschool, we encourage healthy eating and the constant bringing of treats is not reinforcing this.
Therefore, Our Birthday Celebrations Are:
- A Birthday star – greeting the child on arrival
- A Birthday sticker – to be worn
- A Birthday Pencil – to take home to use
The staff will sing ‘Happy Birthday’ on arrival or during the session and share a birthday chat.
Please save the treats and cake for celebrations at home. If you do not celebrate birthdays, please inform us on your enrolment form and this can be appropriately documented.
At Bishop Kindergarten we believe …
The staff work in partnership with parents/carers and the community to provide a quality learning curriculum in a welcoming, safe and stimulating environment where everyone is respected and valued.
Please refer to our Site Behaviour Code
Parents/care givers should familiarise themselves with Bishop Kindergarten’s emergency procedure.
EMERGENCY – One long blast on whistle
- Inside Teacher
- Sounds the alarm – Whistles hang by the front and back doors
- Communicates to ALL other adults
- Checks all rooms shutting windows & doors if a Fire
- Collects roll book from kitchen bench
- Exits to shed and phones if not already done by ECW
- Advises Toy Library if necessary
2. ECW
- Checks on emergency
- Communicates with inside teacher
- Goes to equipment shed with phone (cordless phone from parent bench)
- Phones 000 and answers their questions
3. Outside Teacher
- Communicates to ALL other adults
- Gathers all children at the equipment shed
- Checks all outdoor play areas
- Collects name containers from front door
- Calls the roll using list in equipment shed
4. All other adults & ALL children to gather at the equipment shed
5. If children are unaccounted for teacher/director re-check all areas
6. Evacuate through safest exit to the Army Hall if necessary.
If emergency is OUTSIDE, children are to gather inside the Kindergarten on the mat. Roles of inside/outside staff reversed.
Proposed Outcome:-
To maintain a happy, safe and positive work environment
Already in place |
Possible HAZARDS which may arise | STRATEGIES to use if hazards arise |
*Regular check of where staff are*Open communication network | Violent parent/carer on kindergarten grounds |
*Become aware of*Stay in sight of others and put a barrier between you*Assessment |
* Behaviour Management Procedure | Violent child | *Modify procedure for the child/family*Request additional staff |
* Psychological Health Procedure | Staff member experiencing intimidation from manager |
* Access to Grievance Procedure |
* Psychological Health Procedure | Staff member experiencing intimidation from a co-worker |
* Access to Grievance Procedure |