Sessional Preschool
Children attending Bishop Kindergarten are offered 15 hours per week for 4 terms prior to starting school. Children attend 2 full days and 4 hours every second Friday.
*** Kindy operating times 2024****
Blue Group
Monday and Wednesday 8.30 a.m. – 3.00p.m.
Every second Friday 8.30a.m. – 12.30p.m
Green Group
Tuesday and Thursday 8.30a.m. – 3.00p.m.
Every second Friday 8.30a.m. – 12.30p.m
Due to the introduction of Universal Access (i.e. all children attending 15 hours of preschool from 2012) there is no allocated time or space for extension programs e.g. Pre-Entry, Playgroup.
Fees for 2024 are $300 per year
Entry and Parking
For everyone’s safety, please observe the speed restrictions that apply around our preschool – 25 km/hr. During drop off and collection times we request that you drive at walking pace only.
Please enter through the main gate on Willison Street.
Parking is available on Willison and George Streets. Please consider our neighbours by keeping their driveways clear at all times.
We work with the Preschool Community and Port Lincoln Office for Education staff to support the placement of children into a Preschool program.
If you wish your child to attend a preschool in Port Lincoln:
- please complete a preschool_registration_interest_form form at your preferred preschool
- you will be contacted by staff during the term prior to your child attending sessional preschool
- you will be asked to visit to complete preschool enrolment forms
We ask you to please ensure all details on forms are kept current (i.e. should you change address or telephone number inform the preschool that you submitted the form to.)
All of your children need to be enrolled individually; it is not assumed that a younger sibling of a preschool child will be attending.
During your child’s 4th term of preschool, they will be invited to visit their intended school for transition sessions. (These vary in length from school to school).
In the week before the transition sessions start, the transition teacher from each school will visit the preschool to meet with your child and introduce themselves. You will also receive a notice detailing session times and parent/carer information.
Staff Members
- Nicole Billing (B. Ed)
- Yenly Nguyen-Gabb (B. Arts & Adv. Dip. Learning & Teaching)
- Sarah Willims (B. Ed)
Early Childhood Workers:
- Lisa Dutschke
- Chloe Manthorpe
Bishop Kindergarten is managed by a group of parents/carers volunteers which are elected annually. The Governing Council, supported by staff, is responsible for:
- communicating with other families and community members about the service provided by Bishop Kindergarten
- maintaining the grounds, building and equipment
- managing the preschool’s finances
- participating in the planning and developing of policies with guidelines established by DfE
2025 Governing Council Members
- Chairperson: Mikaela Gower
- Secretary: Megan Pobke
- Treasurer: Sarah Laube
- Committee Members: Steph Arnold, Simone Bascomb, Emma Couzner, Mikaela Gower, Stefanie Klaebe, Sarah Laube, Sally McIntyre, Lain Montgomerie, Monique Montgomerie, Sarah Owen, Megan Pobke, Thea Rodda, Nelly Seal, Jess Treasure
The Governing Council meets twice a term. Each meeting provides parents/carers with an opportunity to be involved with the continuing improvement of their child’s preschool, plus an opportunity to meet and get to know the staff and other parents/carers.
Meetings are a fun and educational way to share your child’s kindergarten year. All parent/carers of preschool children are invited and welcome to attend meetings.
The Parent /Carers communication bench is located on the verandah. This area is the focal point for kindergarten communications and parent/carer information.
The message book is also on the bench. Any messages for the staff relating to your child may be written in this book. For example if a different person is collecting your child please give details in the book, or if your child is going to be absent for any reason, staff can be notified via the book
The first aid record and change clothes folders are also found on the parent bench. (see First Aid Procedure for details).
While there is a lot of information relating to Bishop Kindergarten on display please feel free to talk to any of the staff should you have any questions or concerns.
Don’t forget to check your child’s note pocket, hanging by the main door with your child’s photo and name, for individual notices, newsletters etc.
There are many ways you can be involved at Bishop Kindergarten
- Join the Governing Council
- Spend time at Kindergarten
- Collect collage material (boxes, cards, interesting paper)
- Collect woodworking material (soft wood off-cuts, bottle tops)
- Take home the “Dirty Stuff” for washing (can be found in the “wash me” bags by the front door)
- Take home and cut up collage material
- If you can play a musical instrument come and play for the children sometime
- All green thumbs are welcome to help maintain and improve our garden
- Artistic folks may wish to use their talents around the kindergarten (a mural, decorate furnishings, dress ups)
- Sweep the floor or help tidy up while waiting to collect your child.
All help is highly valued and greatly appreciated at Bishop Kindergarten. If you have a spare moment just ask a staff member how you can help and contribute to your child’s kindergarten year.
We also love to see grandparents, uncles, aunts and others close to your children as well as mums, dads and carers.
Bishop Kindergarten has children’s literacy kits and parent/ carers information books for you to borrow and take home. Literacy kits are hanging on a display rack near the parent bench.
Before borrowing a literacy kit please
- sign a borrowing contract
- staff will issue a borrowing card for your child.
When borrowing
- check all items are in the kit
- complete details of kit and the date on your borrowing card.
- place your child’s card in the “pocket” corresponding with your kit selection.
When returning
- check that all items on the kit tag are in the bag
- collect the card from the pocket and record the date.
- put bag in the “return kit” basket on the bench.
- if not borrowing please leave your card in the card holder on the parent bench.
Staff arrive to set up and complete administration tasks between 8 and 8.30am. Staff are officially employed from 8:30am till 3:45pm.
- Children / families arrive
- Adults sign children in and check note pocket
- Children place their name card into container and hang up their bag
- Child Directed Play- Children may choose to play inside or outside
- Parent/carers may stay to puzzle / paint / chat / read
- During this time children will also be involved in intentional teaching experiences e.g. small group games, music, movement, gardening, cooking, literacy kits, stories, science and other programmed experiences
- Children may help themselves to morning tea from their bag and write there name on the name sheet when they have had morning tea
11:10-11:25am Children and staff tidy up
- Large Group Mat Time- all children participate in an intentional teaching experience- story and game – focusing on Literacy/Numeracy/ Keeping Safe and Social Skills
11:45-12:30am Staff supervise lunch / sunscreen (terms 1 & 4) / inside play
- Child Directed Play – children may choose to play inside or outside
- During this time, children will also be involved in intentional teaching experiences e.g. small group games, music. movement, gardening, cooking, literacy kits, stories, science and other programmed experiences
- Children may help themselves to afternoon tea from their bag
2:15-2:35pm Children and stage tidy up. Help is always appreciated
2:35- 2:55pm
- Large Group Mat Time- all children participate in an intentional teaching experience – story and games – focusing on Literacy/Numeracy, Keeping Safe Curriculum and Social Skills
- Staff begin to individually farewell children
- Parent/carers sign their child out
Staff arrive to set up and complete administration tasks between 8 and 830am.
- Children / families arrive
- Adults sign children in and check note pocket
- Children place their name card into container and hang up their bag
- Children Directed Play- Children may elect to play inside or outside
- Parent/carers may stay to puzzle / paint / chat / read
- During this time children will also be involved in intentional teaching experiences e.g. small group games, music, movement, gardening, cooking, literacy kits, stories, science and other programmed experiences
- Children may help themselves to morning tea from their bag and write there name on the name sheet when they have had morning tea
11:45 – 12:00 Children and staff tidy up
12:00-12:25 pm
- Large Group Mat Time- all children participate in an intentional teaching experience- story and game – focusing on Literacy/Numeracy/ Keeping Safe and Social Skills
- Staff begin to individually farewell children
- Parent/carers sign their child out